Saturday, 6 July 2013

Keeping Busy

People often ask me how I manage to do all the different things I do and still have a truth, I don't think that I do any more than anyone else does, I am just going about life and trying to live it the best way I know how. And sometimes that means I am busy, very busy!

Today was the perfect example: the day started out early as we drove Kid 1 across town to a special event he has looked forward to all year. Then we went looking for furniture for the new house, stopped off at the embroidery shop to buy two new cross-stitch patterns, then home for a quick bite of lunch, then off to a Stampin Up catalogue launch party, home for dinner and a nap on the couch before spending the evening catching up with a girlfriend. That's a good day in my book because I got to spend time with my family and friends, got to make some cool stuff, got to think about new cool stuff I want to make...what more could a girl ask for??!!

In 2012 I purposefully made a List of things I wanted to do during the year and then I worked my way through it and ticked off the experiences as I had them. And I got to do some really cool stuff, trust me! I didn't make a List for 2013 because I thought I had learned my lesson and that it had just become a part of the way I would operate going forward: making time to do the things that I want to do for myself. BIG MISTAKE! I totally should have made a List this year, because now the year is half-gone already and I feel time slipping away from me. My List kept me focussed in 2012 - not having that List in 2013 has allowed me to slip into bad habits, putting aside personal dreams and aspirations for other stuff that draws my time and attention.

So I am thinking of going back to my List for the remainder of the year...of writing down several things I want to achieve personally before the clock ticks over to 2014. There are so many great experiences out there just waiting for you if only you take the time to seek them out. So it's time for this girl to get back on track and re-focus on what I believe I was put here on earth to do: to learn, to create and to teach.

Watch out world, this girl is just getting started!